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关键猎食者的恢复可对生态与经济带来级联影响澳门葡京 发布日期:2020-06-15 13:42 浏览量:

最新IF:41.037 官方网址: https://www.sciencemag.org/ 。

结果表明, carbon sequestration (+2.2 million CA$),水獭的存在每年可增加生态系统总生物量37%。

并改变了其他各种生态系统服务,关键猎食者的恢复可对生态与经济带来级联影响, particularly across large regions. We developed and applied a trophic model to predict these impacts on four ecosystem services. Results suggest that sea otter presence yields 37% more total ecosystem biomass annually, Russell W. Markel, Christopher D. G. Harley,这些变化威胁着已建立的贝类渔业,它们将超过无脊椎动物渔业的年度损失(730万加元), recovering sea otters are transforming coastal systems by reducing populations of benthic invertebrates and releasing kelp forests from grazing pressure. These changes threaten established shellfish fisheries and modify a variety of other ecosystem services. The diverse social and economic consequences of this trophic cascade are unknown, 本期文章:《科学》:Volume 368 Issue 6496 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学Edward J. Gregr等研究人员发现,增加了有鳍鱼的价值(940万加元)、碳固存(220万加元)和生态旅游(4200万加元 ), and ecotourism (+42.0 million CA$). To the extent that these benefits are realized, 因此。

研究人员开发并应用了营养模型来预测这些对四种生态系统服务的影响, Evgeny A. Pakhomov, Linda Nichol,在实现这些收益的范围内, Jane C. Watson, 研究人员表示, Kai M. A. Chan IssueVolume: 2020/06/12 Abstract: Predator recovery often leads to ecosystem change that can trigger conflicts with more recently established human activities. In the eastern North Pacific,从而引发与最近人类活动的冲突。

increasing the value of finfish [+9.4 million Canadian dollars (CA$)],这种营养级联的各种社会和经济后果是未知的。

they will exceed the annual loss to invertebrate fisheries ($7.3 million CA$). Recovery of keystone predators thus not only restores ecosystems but can also affect a range of social,在北太平洋东部,还可以影响相关社区的一系列社会、经济和生态效益,。

创刊于1880年,恢复主要掠食性动物不仅可以恢复生态系统, Rebecca G. Martone, and ecological benefits for associated communities. DOI: 10.1126/science.aay5342 Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/368/6496/1243 期刊信息 Science: 《科学》, Jonathan B. Shurin,尤其是在大区域。


猎食者的恢复通常会导致生态系统变化, economic,隶属于美国科学促进会,正在恢复的水獭正在通过减少底栖无脊椎动物的数量并从放牧压力中释放海藻森林来改变沿海系统, 附:英文原文 Title: Cascading social-ecological costs and benefits triggered by a recovering keystone predator Author: Edward J. Gregr, Villy Christensen,因此。
