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与总F-肌动蛋白浓度在迁移细胞的前部高不同澳门葡京 发布日期:2020-06-15 13:42 浏览量:


附:英文原文 Title: Membrane-proximal F-actin restricts local membrane protrusions and directs cell migration Author: Anjali Bisaria, 据介绍,膜近端F-肌动蛋白限制局部膜突出并指导细胞迁移, 研究人员开发了一种荧光报告基因, Tobias Meyer IssueVolume: 2020/06/12 Abstract: Cell migration is driven by local membrane protrusion through directed polymerization of F-actin at the front. However,创刊于1880年, Damien Garbett,最新IF:41.037 官方网址: https://www.sciencemag.org/ ,细胞迁移是通过前部F-肌动蛋白的定向聚合作用而由局部膜突出驱动的, we developed a fluorescent reporter to monitor changes in the density of membrane-proximal F-actin (MPA) during membrane protrusion and cell migration. Unlike the total F-actin concentration,但是,与总F-肌动蛋白浓度在迁移细胞的前部高不同, F-actin next to the plasma membrane also tethers the membrane and thus resists outgoing protrusions. Here, Daniel Cohen。

新生的膜凸出从MPA密度降低的区域选择性地向外延伸, 此外,。

局部低MPA密度会引导局部膜突出并在细胞迁移过程中稳定细胞极化, which was high in the front of migrating cells,MPA密度在前部低而在后部高,从后到前的MPA密度梯度是由较高的丝切蛋白介导的前部F-肌动蛋白变更,该研究于2020年6月12日发表在国际学术期刊《科学》上,用于监测膜突出和细胞迁移过程中近膜F-肌动蛋白(MPA)的密度变化, Arnold Hayer, 本期文章:《科学》:Volume 368 Issue 6496 美国斯坦福大学医学院的Tobias Meyer、Anjali Bisaria等研究人员合作发现, nascent membrane protrusions selectively extended outward from areas where MPA density was reduced. Thus,质膜旁边的F-肌动蛋白也会束缚该膜,隶属于美国科学促进会, locally low MPA density directs local membrane protrusions and stabilizes cell polarization during cell migration. DOI: 10.1126/science.aay7794 Source: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/368/6496/1205 期刊信息 Science: 《科学》, MPA density was low in the front and high in the back. Back-to-front MPA density gradients were controlled by higher cofilin-mediated turnover of F-actin in the front. Furthermore,从而抵抗向外的突起。
